Our clients come from a diverse background of industries and lives. They do all have one thing in common though, they want to simplify their financial lives. Here are a few examples of how we help:
Closely-held businesses: We understand the complexities of non-family partnerships and multi-generational family ownership. We will develop planning that addresses exit strategies, implementing qualified and/or non-qualified plans, group benefits and buy/sell agreements.
Professional practices: We understand taking the big leap to be independent and opening/maintaining your own practice. We will develop a plan to pay down your existing debts, reduce your taxable income, establish profit share/pension plan and help you reach financial independence.
Affluent Clients: We understand you’ve reached a point in your life where not losing money may be more important than making more money. We will develop a plan that focuses on portfolio analysis, wealth preservation, estate transfer and charitable/gifting strategies.
Pre-Retirees & Retirees: We understand you are at a point in your life were there are a lot of timely decisions that need to be made. We will develop a plan that focuses on not out living your money, potential inheritance from parents, long term care and required minimum distribution strategies.
Wealth Accumulators: We understand individuals and/or families that are highly compensated, but don’t necessarily have a lot to show for it. We will develop a plan that addresses getting the maximum benefits of your company’s 401k plan, risk management, systematic investing and funding for future college expenses.
Sudden Money: We understand how receiving sudden lump sums of money due to divorce, death, settlements or inheritance can cause stress, guilt, depression and often hasty decisions. We will develop a plan to address the big picture issues, avoid making uninformed choices, coordinating the paperwork & new advisors that come into play and help bring financial order to the chaos.